
The One-Stop Guide to Understanding Social Anxiety

For people suffering from social anxiety, everyday social interactions can cause irrational anxiety, fear, self-consciousness, and embarrassment. Social anxiety can take any form, may it be dating, making friends, networking, public speaking, work relationships or socializing, Social anxiety is a condition in which a person has an excessive fear of being closely watched, judged, and criticized in social situations. Understanding social anxiety is the most important step towards not feeling lost or unaware of why and when it happens. So, where do you start? In this post, we will answer a few common questions pertaining to social anxiety. What is…

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10 Ways to (Re)connect with Your Spouse and Build a Strong Marriage

Unless you’re still in the honeymoon phase, it’s not always easy to feel strongly connected to your partner. Life gets in the way, work keeps you really busy, and before you know it, you haven’t had a tender moment with them in a while. It happens to the best of us. It’s different for everyone, but there are definitely some little things you can do more on a daily basis proven to help keep your relationship strong & sustaining. It’s the smallest gestures that close the distance between ourselves and the people we love. While the big signals, like surprising…

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6 Step Guide to Overcoming Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is an intense fear of becoming extremely anxious and possibly humiliated in social situations — specifically of embarrassing yourself in front of other people. A person who suffers from social anxiety tends to think that other people are far better at public speaking, or hanging out in a social situation and mingling with others at a party. The person tends to focus on every little small mistake they do in a social situation, and exaggerate them out of proportion. Social phobia disrupts normal life, interfering with career or social relationships. For example,…

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7 Reasons We Should Learn To Enjoy Our Own Company

7 Reasons We Should Learn To Enjoy Our Own Company   Let us first establish a fact:   Being alone is not the same as being lonely   Being alone is a voluntary act, where you detach yourself from the physical world, for a short duration, in order to spend some quality time with yourself. There are definitely some of us that simply don’t like to be alone. We feel like need to be around people all the time, to stay updated with the world and to keep ourselves occupied. With the emergence of social media, we now enjoy the…

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10 Simple yet effective ways to Build Your Mental Strength

10 Simple yet effective ways to Build Your Mental Strength   Your mind is always one step ahead of the body.   Building your mental health is as important to you as building your speed, strength and stamina – it’s your mind that will give the orders to your body to find that extra last burst of energy in every situation. So how do you build your mental fitness? Let us look at 10 ways of achieving a fit mind!   Establish goals.   The human brain is naturally predisposed to reach for and achieve goals. And not just one…

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Marrying into a joint family? 5 common situations you’ll face, and how to deal with them!

Marrying into a joint family? 5 common situations you’ll face, and how to deal with them!   Marriage sets a new course of life for you; may it be your routine, your choices & preferences, or even the people you interact with. At times, this sea of changes comes with a sea of people, especially if you get married into a joint family. Joint family brings with it a lot of love & support, but at the same time gaining the trust of each of them and building a strong bond with each individual can be challenging. So if you…

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