
”Beta, Science le lo… Bohot scope hai.”

Yes, it is a cliché. India – A country with diverse religions but only two occupations? While one road leads to math infested world of Engineering, the other to a dissection crazed domain of Medical. Students who take up science post their school fall into one of the following categories – A genuine interest in the field Parents said -”Beta, Science le lo… Bohot scope hai.” What parents/society fail to convey is that their definition of scope is limited to Engineering or Medical. Before you get all defensive, what more do you expect from a country which produces 50,000 medical…

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Am I ‘parenting’ right?

Growing up with strict parents is perhaps the most common experience of our childhood. We had curfews and strict deadlines. And violating those deadlines meant more deadlines, isn’t it? However, times have changed and so has the style of parenting. Parenting has been evolving and adapting to the needs and the wants of the current generation. But what really classifies as good parenting and is there something like “bad” parenting? Parenting is an ongoing process and requires certain tweaks along the way. We agree that some of the old methods of parenting are now obsolete and require a change. Nevertheless,…

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It’s okay to not be okay?

Before we begin admonishing how it is absolutely normal to have difficult times, let us try to define what ‘okay’ really is. Okay is merely a word, which in essence, is losing its essence. Okay is perhaps a bar set by unrealistic expectations. What’s your okay may or may not be someone else’s okay. So, is it REALLY okay to not be okay? While you get out the maze of ‘okays’, let us try to put things in perspective – We’re not asking you to celebrate mediocrity, to throw a ginormous party for a seemingly irrelevant achievement. Neither do we…

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When the Elder generation collides with the Younger one…

Oh, yes… We’ve all been there – The unnecessary arguments with mom and the differences with dad. The conclusion? “In our time, we never dared to talk back to our parents.” One sentence and you’re back to whining about how their generation does not understand yours. Being a parent is a full time job and no, it really is not as easy as your parents make it look. It takes years of efforts and nurturing to build an individual who is ready to take on the world, flutter his/her wings and soar. While you may disagree with us, it does…

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Why do people cheat in a relationship?

It’s about to get real in here. Yes, we’re attempting to answer ‘THE’ question that every person asks after a breakup or a divorce. Why did he/she cheat on me? Was I not enough? Will I ever love again? Did he/she even love me? Relationships are the spice of life. Let us reframe that sentence – Emotions are the spice of life. They add quality to our lives. Well, almost always. But it’s necessary to acknowledge and understand that we do not live in an ideal world and not all relationships are meant to last. While some become a mere…

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Impact of Self-esteem for academic achievements in adolescents

Self–esteem, very simply, is how you see yourself!! Your self image is built on how you evaluate your own life. Across age groups very often one hears, I deserve better than this !! Adolescents are bracing through a roller coaster of emotions .On one day they are on the top of the world and the lowest of low the very next day. In today’s fast paced world, one must be exuberant in displaying confidence in order to survive. Self esteem comes not from what others think of you but what you think of yourself. Academic and peer pressures, keeping up…

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