Career Counselling – The Whats and the Hows

The Whats: If we lived in an older era where the probable job opportunities were hunters or farmers, we would not have to discuss why career counselling is even a thing. But as the humans have evolved up the food chain, so have our abilities and our roles in the society. So, today we do not need only farmers, or doctors, or teachers but instead we need all of them in the right proportions. But with greater power comes greater responsibilities and with higher options also comes higher confusion. We have no dearth of varied jobs today. A student can…

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Which “feminists” are we?

“Feminism” has perpetually been under the scrutiny of social media – empowerment and disapproval going hand in hand. Some complain about how bra straps shouldn’t make old men uncomfortable, while some fight for their right to the half of everything. While neither of the approaches is wrong, it doesn’t change how feminism is perceived. Feminism has now grown into a full fledged community of Femi-Nazis. Yes, Femi-Nazis are the extremists of feminism. While everyone deserves their share of basic human rights, we often tend to forget the root of the rights. Consequently, every right carries a duty associated with it.…

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Fear, Love and Toxic Relationships.

What is love if not the fear of losing? What is love if not the fear that stems out of insecurities? What about the eternal, long-lasting kind of love? Does that still exist? People generally don’t classify love and fear in the same category. It’s usually combined with hope, happiness and all the positive emotions. But where do jealousy, insecurity and, domination fit? Aren’t they associated with love as well? If you feel these emotions in any of your relationships, be warned. Not all relationships in your life are meant to last but if ALL relationships in your life seem…

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Emotional Quotient? Wait, what?

Gone are the days when your intellect was measured by your IQ and your marks. The world is now transcending into a more dynamic environment where well-rounded individuals are preferred and, these very individuals excel in their goals. So what exactly is Emotional Quotient (EQ)? Emotional quotient (EQ) is the ability of individuals to recognize their own as well as, other people’s emotions, to differentiate between different feelings and label them appropriately, to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and to manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt environments or achieve one’s goals. Although this concept has been around…

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Is “Right Time” a myth?

Do you recall the bedtime stories your parents and grandparents told you to put you to sleep? Legends of a brave king and a damsel in distress, how they met, fell in love and lived happily ever after. Then came Disney to reinforce the idea of “happily ever after” and to make you love the idea of love. Since childhood, you’re taught how love happens but why has nobody shed light on what happens next? Marriage. That’s what happens, in most cases at least. So how do YOU know what’s the right time? Rather, is there even a right time?…

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5 ways to Transform your Team’s Productivity

The corporate world today desires individuals who not only possess the required knowledge but also have the necessary people skills to breathe life into the organization.  More often than not, employees are required to work in teams which can be a difficult task. Consequently, managing a team is thus, considered as one of the most important skills in the “real” world. A team is a conglomeration of various individuals with their unique personalities and they all bring something different to the team. We, at iThrive, recognize how team building and team management are crucial skills in the business. In our…

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